Campus Directory

Title Email Address Role Office Location Phone Number
Cheryl Deal [email protected] Allied Health Building, 302 717-749-6068
Lisa DeGregorio [email protected]
Student Services Assistant, Student Affairs
Veteran Certifying Official, Veterans' Affairs
Conklin Hall, 209 717-749-6094
Peter Dendle [email protected]
Professor, English
Faculty, Honors Program
General Studies, 211 717-749-6167
Elizabeth Denlea [email protected] Bookstore , 006
Anne Devney [email protected]
Assistant Teaching Professor, Baccalaureate Nursing Program
Allied Health Building, 206 717-749-6185
Jennie Diehl Mazzone [email protected] Sci-Tech, 214 814-863-0565
Michael Doncheski [email protected]
Chief Academic Officer, Academic Affairs
Director of Academic Affairs, Academic Affairs
Conklin Hall, 212 717-749-6050
Johnathan Espinosa [email protected]
Adjunct Lecturer, Baccalaureate Nursing Program
Allied Health Building
Rhonda Everett [email protected]
Maintenance Worker, Office of Physical Plant
Physical Plant 717-749-6226
Aaron Feather [email protected] Science Technology, 214 717-749-6151
Rusty Fleming [email protected]
Assistant Coach, Women's Volleyball
MAC, 124B 717-497-2512
Eduardo Franchi [email protected]
Head Coach, Men's Soccer
Patricia Fridgen [email protected]
Adjunct Lecturer, Communications
Sci-Tech, 214 717-504-0803
Nancy Funk [email protected]
Assistant Professor, Integrative Arts
General Studies, 101F 717-749-6204
Loretta Gates [email protected]
Food Service Production Worker B, Housing and Food Services
The Mill 717-749-6080
Kathryn Geesaman [email protected]
Lecturer, Mathematics
Sci-Tech, 214 717-749-6151
Mary Geesaman [email protected]
Adjunct Lecturer, Mathematics
Vahid Ghomi [email protected] General Studies, 311 717-749-6203
Darlene Giasomo [email protected]
Food Service Production Worker, Housing and Food Services
The Mill 717-749-6080
Katrina Giffin [email protected]
Financial Assistant, Housing and Food Services
The Mill 717-749-6080